
Most satisfying resignation I’ll ever give

I started this job a year ago alongside another newbie, taking over from the 2 previous people who worked the role. The person I worked alongside quit after 3 months, right when our probations were due to end. My manager knew that I'd have to pick up her work load, but still insisted on extending my probationary period and prolonging my anxiety. A month later they found a replacement for her from another department, who they spent 2 months training until she quit. They passed my probation after 6 months, but for 9 months out of this year I've worked solo in a 2 person job. I've had a handful of 1 to 1's with my manager, who keeps bringing up the topic of workload and asking me for solutions. I've asked her, as my line manager, to pick up some of the task of tracking all the work we're…

I started this job a year ago alongside another newbie, taking over from the 2 previous people who worked the role. The person I worked alongside quit after 3 months, right when our probations were due to end. My manager knew that I'd have to pick up her work load, but still insisted on extending my probationary period and prolonging my anxiety. A month later they found a replacement for her from another department, who they spent 2 months training until she quit. They passed my probation after 6 months, but for 9 months out of this year I've worked solo in a 2 person job.

I've had a handful of 1 to 1's with my manager, who keeps bringing up the topic of workload and asking me for solutions. I've asked her, as my line manager, to pick up some of the task of tracking all the work we're doing, so I can focus on the actual job. 3 times I've suggested this, and this morning she took me aside to have the same conversation again. This time she told me she simply doesn't have any time in her day to help the 1 person (me) who works directly under her and cannot accept responsibility for oversight of our work.

Today, when she asked me for a solution, I told her to hire a newbie, and pray that this newbie can handle the workload of 2-3 people. If they can, I suggested that she pay them the salary of 2-3 people. She told me that that's not feasible, obviously, and asked me again, what are we going to do about our issues?

I told her that I don't know what she's going to do, but I'm leaving, and accepting the job offer I received this morning of 2.5x my salary, across the world in Australia, where I'll be moving with my girlfriend and a handful of our friends.

She was stunned, and that was the most satisfying conversation I've ever had in my life. I don't think I'll ever have a more satisfying conversation with a manager again.

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