
Boomer Generation Ruined It for Future Generations

The boomers had the ideal set up. They bought their houses 20-30 years ago and watched as the value of the homes has skyrocketed. They watched as their stock portfolios have exploded over the last 3 decades. Now they want us Millennials to buy their overpriced homes. It really is just a pyramid scheme. Yes, it worked out well for them, but what about us? What about people who want to buy a house but the values have ballooned to now you having to have hundreds of thousands of dollars for it? It all worked out for these old boomer farts but it ain't working out for the rest of us. But they couldn't care less. They are only concerned with their generation since that is what effects them. No concern for how this effects us.

The boomers had the ideal set up. They bought their houses 20-30 years ago and watched as the value of the homes has skyrocketed.

They watched as their stock portfolios have exploded over the last 3 decades.

Now they want us Millennials to buy their overpriced homes.

It really is just a pyramid scheme.

Yes, it worked out well for them, but what about us?

What about people who want to buy a house but the values have ballooned to now you having to have hundreds of thousands of dollars for it?

It all worked out for these old boomer farts but it ain't working out for the rest of us.

But they couldn't care less. They are only concerned with their generation since that is what effects them. No concern for how this effects us.

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