
anyone ever been so stressed about work you have nightmares about it almost every night?

every night i have a terrible dream about something realistic that happens at work. i am putting in my two weeks today at a family owned business, i feel so nervous i am about to cry. all i’ve heard from coworkers is how much they berate and bully people who quit. telling them the career they’re leaving for won’t work out, etc. i do not handle things like this well. as i type this i am on the verge of having a panic attack. i think that it is very NOT normal for a job to make me feel this way. i’ve worked a lot of jobs i didnt like, but never a job where i felt terrified at every moment also i was planning on not leaving til i had something else lined up but i physically cannot bring myself to do this anymore. its getting to the point…

every night i have a terrible dream about something realistic that happens at work. i am putting in my two weeks today at a family owned business, i feel so nervous i am about to cry. all i’ve heard from coworkers is how much they berate and bully people who quit. telling them the career they’re leaving for won’t work out, etc. i do not handle things like this well. as i type this i am on the verge of having a panic attack. i think that it is very NOT normal for a job to make me feel this way. i’ve worked a lot of jobs i didnt like, but never a job where i felt terrified at every moment

also i was planning on not leaving til i had something else lined up but i physically cannot bring myself to do this anymore. its getting to the point where my coworkers are noticing the way i am treated. people have been pulling me aside asking if i’m okay, i am not. i fear pulling them both into the office, i just know i will start bawling the second i speak and i DONT want to do that.

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