
really feel like I’m watching the biggest and hottest fire right Infront of me WITH MY OWN TWO EYES!

I (28) really feel like I'm watching the world Ive grown up in burn. It's not just bc of news headlines or social media headlines, it's literally with my own two eyes and ears. High inflation is fucking over so many people that it's becoming everyone for themselves type shit. Like people have said “I hope they have good footing right now or else it's gonna suck”… In no fkn way did I envision my young adulthood to be filled with seeing so many friends, co workers and fellow humans suffering in the living hell of capitalism that was left to us. It's fkn depressing seeing and hearing people struggle even if they're working 2 jobs! I'm tired of being underpaid and not getting raises to match the current cost of living. I'm pissed that capitalism had me leave my small family back home just so we can have enough…

I (28) really feel like I'm watching the world Ive grown up in burn. It's not just bc of news headlines or social media headlines, it's literally with my own two eyes and ears. High inflation is fucking over so many people that it's becoming everyone for themselves type shit. Like people have said “I hope they have good footing right now or else it's gonna suck”… In no fkn way did I envision my young adulthood to be filled with seeing so many friends, co workers and fellow humans suffering in the living hell of capitalism that was left to us.
It's fkn depressing seeing and hearing people struggle even if they're working 2 jobs! I'm tired of being underpaid and not getting raises to match the current cost of living. I'm pissed that capitalism had me leave my small family back home just so we can have enough and just a little more to save. It's a privilege to be able to do this but it fkn sucks that I couldn't just stay home with them and still provide for them without being too tired and stressed when I am home. Stupid comprise.
However, it's been cool to watch my generation and younger generation not work so hard in the name of mental health and self worth and that's fkn awesome and in itself an act of protest to the capitalism state we live in. I love it.

Take care of yourselves. Remember to love you and to have fun with you.

Rant over.

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