
These people screwed me for nothing

I worked for a small office in a small town. It was a Big Insurance company and things were pretty good for a while. I'm not extremely great at sales but I'm alright. I worked for this company for a year, and shortly before that year, something happened at the office that ruined my life. A customer accused the office of stealing money from him, claiming we compromised his bank account when he called in to update his auto-pay. I was the person that answered the phone when he called to update his info so of course, I was the one being looked at. Instead of backing us up in the office up the office manager and agent turned on the defensive and basically threw us to the wolves. I broke down once I found out who it was and that I was the one being looked at as I'm…

I worked for a small office in a small town. It was a Big Insurance company and things were pretty good for a while. I'm not extremely great at sales but I'm alright. I worked for this company for a year, and shortly before that year, something happened at the office that ruined my life. A customer accused the office of stealing money from him, claiming we compromised his bank account when he called in to update his auto-pay. I was the person that answered the phone when he called to update his info so of course, I was the one being looked at.

Instead of backing us up in the office up the office manager and agent turned on the defensive and basically threw us to the wolves. I broke down once I found out who it was and that I was the one being looked at as I'm currently working on a degree in Computer Information Security and was scared this accusation would ruin my potential future career.

Things seemed to die down regarding it as the investigation went on and I was confident I wouldn't be found guilty of anything because I didn't do anything. However, ever since then the office manager seemed to have it out for me, making it almost unbearable to be there anymore. I started kinda looking for other jobs but told myself I'd wait until after I got my Christmas bonus to leave, but by the time that came around life seemed to be better. I didn't feel worried about the investigation, nothing was being said about it so I assumed they found the culprit or realized it wasn't from the office, and I considered just sticking around until I graduated (about 6 months). Then out of nowhere, the day after our sales meeting for the next year, they lay me off.

I was devastated. It was a huge hit to my pride and I honestly didn't see it coming. They told me it was because they just need to make some changes to the structure of the office and this was one of them and that I “took too many days off/called out sick too many days”. I was extremely sick and they actually told me to leave and not come back until I could be cleared by a doctor, my mother ended up having a medical emergency and I almost lost her, and I took 4 vacation days plus days they just gave us off for just cause. So that didn't make sense. I asked before I left if I needed to be worried about the whole investigation things if that was still going on, and if I was still being looked at. They said no, that they moved on to looking at the bank for the stolen money (around 1k).

As a way to try to move on and applied to n office in the next town but with the same company about a month later. I was excited to be offered more money, a sign-on bonus, things were really looking up for me, or so I thought. Come to find out I've been “flagged” at this company and am still under investigation with this company and they are refusing to talk to me about it. They said they “found suspicious things” on my computer and the only thing I can think of would be stuff I used to do my homework at work or the one time I checked my credit report while at work (dumb I know but what can you do). This is currently preventing me from starting work at this new office, and when I confronted the old office about it they were like “oh yeah its because of xyz”. I was lied to. I think that they are trying to ruin my chances to work with this company again…and I don't know what to do. I have to wait until the investigation is over to be told anything about it. What do I do?

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