
Over the Line?

During a meeting today, my boss (dean of a school I work for) took a screenshot of the Zoom Meeting I was in with her and two other people. I did not know she took this screenshot until she wanted to talk to me after the meeting was over, and she just showed it to me without any warning. The screenshot showed where I was the focus of it and I clearly looked bored in the photo and during the meeting. For context, I recently had surgery, so I am in pain and am on pain medication and she knows this! She told me I need to look more professional, and she understands I just had surgery and all that. The only reason I am bringing this to this group is because this woman treats me like a child all the time. She always thinks I need advice, or she…

During a meeting today, my boss (dean of a school I work for) took a screenshot of the Zoom Meeting I was in with her and two other people. I did not know she took this screenshot until she wanted to talk to me after the meeting was over, and she just showed it to me without any warning. The screenshot showed where I was the focus of it and I clearly looked bored in the photo and during the meeting. For context, I recently had surgery, so I am in pain and am on pain medication and she knows this! She told me I need to look more professional, and she understands I just had surgery and all that.

The only reason I am bringing this to this group is because this woman treats me like a child all the time. She always thinks I need advice, or she has some teachable moment to tell me about. I work at an office for a community college, it’s not that deep. I have had enough of what seems like her micromanaging and so called “help” she gives me, that I think the whole screenshot thing was over the line.

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