
Boomers are mad at… boomers.

My work had a presentation last week from the department of workforce services. The meeting was about 60 boomers and maybe 10-20 younger people. Most of them were republican from some of the comments I heard through other presenters. The presenter gets to the labor shortage and asks what people think is the reason for it. “No one wants to work” “Lazy young people” “Too much free money” “Everyone wants to work from home” (Not sure what this last one has to do with it) Imagine all of their surprise when he presents scientific evidence that the cause is boomers retiring. Further, boomers retired and have all this wealth that younger generations don’t even begin to compare to. Lastly, boomers, and following generations, didn’t have enough kids to replace them when they got older and retired so now it’s impossible to have enough people to replace them. Crickets!

My work had a presentation last week from the department of workforce services. The meeting was about 60 boomers and maybe 10-20 younger people. Most of them were republican from some of the comments I heard through other presenters.

The presenter gets to the labor shortage and asks what people think is the reason for it. “No one wants to work” “Lazy young people” “Too much free money” “Everyone wants to work from home” (Not sure what this last one has to do with it)

Imagine all of their surprise when he presents scientific evidence that the cause is boomers retiring. Further, boomers retired and have all this wealth that younger generations don’t even begin to compare to. Lastly, boomers, and following generations, didn’t have enough kids to replace them when they got older and retired so now it’s impossible to have enough people to replace them.


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