
Written up for only being late twice

Am I in the wrong for being angry about this??? I am usually ALWAYS on time if not 10 minutes early, but the past 2 days I've been a few minutes late..not by much. I've only worked at this place for 2 and a half months and they're ALREADY writing me up for such bs reasons. Not to mention, they also threatened to write me up for “not learning to close the store fast enough”. Am I overreacting? Is this unfair? Thanks.

Am I in the wrong for being angry about this??? I am usually ALWAYS on time if not 10 minutes early, but the past 2 days I've been a few minutes late..not by much. I've only worked at this place for 2 and a half months and they're ALREADY writing me up for such bs reasons.
Not to mention, they also threatened to write me up for “not learning to close the store fast enough”.

Am I overreacting? Is this unfair? Thanks.

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