
Just got laid off today

I had just started with this company two years ago and really worked my ass off to know the position. I did so well that during my annual review I actually got “exceeds expectations” which means I was better than average. Today I got a phone call from my boss saying that I had been displaced and that it had nothing to do with my performance. So this is now the second company that I’ve been laid off from in two years that had zero to do with my performance. I’ll bounce back at some point but fuck working for these companies. I give and give and it’s never good enough. My work ethic means jack shit to them. The only way I could’ve saved myself is if I relocated to a different state. Fuck that, uproot my entire life just so you can lay me off again in a…

I had just started with this company two years ago and really worked my ass off to know the position. I did so well that during my annual review I actually got “exceeds expectations” which means I was better than average.

Today I got a phone call from my boss saying that I had been displaced and that it had nothing to do with my performance.

So this is now the second company that I’ve been laid off from in two years that had zero to do with my performance.

I’ll bounce back at some point but fuck working for these companies. I give and give and it’s never good enough. My work ethic means jack shit to them.

The only way I could’ve saved myself is if I relocated to a different state. Fuck that, uproot my entire life just so you can lay me off again in a year or two? Fuck off, you’ve already told me that I’m just a number to you so I won’t work for a company that doesn’t value my work.

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