
Finding jobs as a college grad

So it’s been a little over a year after I’ve graduated college. I was super stressed during college and didn’t think much of the future, I wanted to just get my degree over with and then find a job after a breather. That’s what I did, took a quick breather during Christmas and new years, then went out on my job search. I was a business major so I was looking for various jobs in finance, sales, energy, gaming industry, etc. (all over the place). I went to a very well regarded school, graduated with a 3.4 and have some decent experience under my resume but never worked in an office (because I could never get accepted for an office internship). I made some immature mistakes when I was younger and early college. Nothing too crazy but I feel like some of that is lingering on me. Got arrested freshman…

So it’s been a little over a year after I’ve graduated college. I was super stressed during college and didn’t think much of the future, I wanted to just get my degree over with and then find a job after a breather.

That’s what I did, took a quick breather during Christmas and new years, then went out on my job search. I was a business major so I was looking for various jobs in finance, sales, energy, gaming industry, etc. (all over the place).

I went to a very well regarded school, graduated with a 3.4 and have some decent experience under my resume but never worked in an office (because I could never get accepted for an office internship).

I made some immature mistakes when I was younger and early college. Nothing too crazy but I feel like some of that is lingering on me. Got arrested freshman year for being drunk and got fired from a job due to stupid and bs reasons in high school.

So back to now. I’ve been applying and interviewing at a million places. Sometimes when I apply to a place where I think I’d be a great match, it’s an immediate no from them. I just don’t understand how I can’t get a decent job for a college grad. Sometimes I feel like I’m in a quick search database that tells them to stay away from me. Is this delusional? If not how do I fix this.

Where do I go from here? Is the military my only option? Or do I just stick it out with a local less prestigious job? Thank you everyone, I appreciate your input.

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