
Possibly heartwarming: Amazon reviews of a USB mouse jiggler

Looking for something unrelated and I ended up on the page for this mouse jiggler. The fact that more than 2,400 people bothered to give it positive reviews is in a way depressing, in that it shows how widespread the surveillance is of people who work from home. But it's much more inspiring to see how many people are not willing to put up with that shit. Anyway, I enjoyed reading a few of them; maybe you will too. Solidarity!

Looking for something unrelated and I ended up on the page for this mouse jiggler. The fact that more than 2,400 people bothered to give it positive reviews is in a way depressing, in that it shows how widespread the surveillance is of people who work from home. But it's much more inspiring to see how many people are not willing to put up with that shit.

Anyway, I enjoyed reading a few of them; maybe you will too. Solidarity!

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