
Be aware: no matter how much of a “star” you become, your bosses will try to cheat you

A new lawsuit against the NFL says that the league created a “system by which players are steered to financially compromised doctors who in some cases collect hundreds of thousands of dollars per year from a healthcare plan controlled by the league and the players' union, and who fail to find players disabled at exceedingly high rates.” And why? Because the extraordinarily profitable NFL doesn't have enough money already? Because the players, who are the lifeblood of the league, deserve to be screwed over? No – because this is just what capital does. It attacks workers, it corrupts vital institutions (like the medical system), and it muddies the truth through secrecy and bureaucracy. Absolutely disgusting.

A new lawsuit against the NFL says that the league created a “system by which players are steered to financially compromised doctors who in some cases collect hundreds of thousands of dollars per year from a healthcare plan controlled by the league and the players' union, and who fail to find players disabled at exceedingly high rates.”

And why? Because the extraordinarily profitable NFL doesn't have enough money already? Because the players, who are the lifeblood of the league, deserve to be screwed over? No – because this is just what capital does. It attacks workers, it corrupts vital institutions (like the medical system), and it muddies the truth through secrecy and bureaucracy. Absolutely disgusting.

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