
My husband was threatened with termination for not staying at work when he was not going to be paid. What does he do?

Today, my husband told me for probably the 5th time in the last few months that supervisors tried to keep the whole crew on his production line over for about 15 minutes until the team leader “dismissed them”. They have tried this before several times and when he has asked them if he would be paid they would say, “no”, to which he would respond by saying, “well, you can’t keep me then”, and then he would leave. Today, a different, new team leader told him the same thing. My husband asked him with witnesses around, “am I going to be paid for that time”, the team leader answered “no, but you might be fired if you leave”. He said, “you can’t do that if I’m not being paid”, and left. According to my husband, everytime this happens everyone else stays over even without pay. He is considering going to…

Today, my husband told me for probably the 5th time in the last few months that supervisors tried to keep the whole crew on his production line over for about 15 minutes until the team leader “dismissed them”.

They have tried this before several times and when he has asked them if he would be paid they would say, “no”, to which he would respond by saying, “well, you can’t keep me then”, and then he would leave.

Today, a different, new team leader told him the same thing. My husband asked him with witnesses around, “am I going to be paid for that time”, the team leader answered “no, but you might be fired if you leave”. He said, “you can’t do that if I’m not being paid”, and left. According to my husband, everytime this happens everyone else stays over even without pay.

He is considering going to HR. I’m considering calling the labor board or making an anonymous complaint to the head of the company via email or physical letter.

I’m sick of these damn companies pulling this shit.

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