
How will I ever be able to live independently?

Any other young Millennials/Older Gen Z’s STILL stuck living with your parents? I am. And I’m royally screwed. I can only work part time due to health issues, so obviously it would NEVER be enough to live on my own paying outrageous rent. It’s a sucky job not even in my field because employers don’t give anyone with an Associate’s the time of day. I apply and apply and never get any interviews. I want to get OUT of my parents’ house and just live independently but I can’t because rent and because health problems including mental illness that never gets better. I am almost 27 years old!!! I should’ve been able to do and have everything by now. I’m so reliant on my parents because AGAIN… health problems. I need a job with health insurance but got one with terrible insurance. I hate my job. But I need it…

Any other young Millennials/Older Gen Z’s STILL stuck living with your parents? I am. And I’m royally screwed. I can only work part time due to health issues, so obviously it would NEVER be enough to live on my own paying outrageous rent. It’s a sucky job not even in my field because employers don’t give anyone with an Associate’s the time of day. I apply and apply and never get any interviews. I want to get OUT of my parents’ house and just live independently but I can’t because rent and because health problems including mental illness that never gets better. I am almost 27 years old!!! I should’ve been able to do and have everything by now. I’m so reliant on my parents because AGAIN… health problems. I need a job with health insurance but got one with terrible insurance. I hate my job. But I need it because I don’t know how I can possibly survive working 8 HOUR DAYS. I don’t know how people do it. I can barely handle 22.5 hour weeks. Maybe if it was stuff that I actually got my friggin degree for I’d be able to deal with it.

I’m actually out of work right now due to a concussion (worker’s comp) So I’m a tad stir crazy and irritated and was mass-job applying. I have this major fight or flight thing going on. I feel so trapped and stuck and overwhelmed. People 5 years younger than me are already making it on their own. Why can’t I?

I’ve wasted my whole 20s. I never had fun. I’ve always been TOO damn studious and responsible and hardworking and it got me NOWHERE. I’m just now building credit finally because after months of rejection I finally got a STORE CARD. Yay /s

At this rate I’ll be 30 IN THREE YEARS and might STILL BE HERE. I want to scream. Anxiety. Depression. Pressure. Stress. The economy. I’m just royally screwed.

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