
I don’t want an exit strategy. I want to work how I like- for a long time.

I’ve been having so many frustrating thoughts lately about my relationship to work. Im 24, and I haven’t been employed since 2020. I’m a college dropout and until then I would be considered “high performing”- def the straight A type. However, I’m very much of the attitude that I have to like the day to day of what I do. That’s why I dropped my interest in a stem career. During college I really fell in love with teaching yoga and I managed a studio full time for about 3 years. That’s the only real work experience I have. All the other jobs I had I left within a few months because I just don’t get paid enough. I made the decision not to go back to work and instead focus on creating my own yoga studio. Minimum wage jobs don’t pay the bills and the last time I worked…

I’ve been having so many frustrating thoughts lately about my relationship to work. Im 24, and I haven’t been employed since 2020. I’m a college dropout and until then I would be considered “high performing”- def the straight A type.

However, I’m very much of the attitude that I have to like the day to day of what I do. That’s why I dropped my interest in a stem career. During college I really fell in love with teaching yoga and I managed a studio full time for about 3 years. That’s the only real work experience I have.

All the other jobs I had I left within a few months because I just don’t get paid enough.

I made the decision not to go back to work and instead focus on creating my own yoga studio. Minimum wage jobs don’t pay the bills and the last time I worked in corporate I became so sick from stress.

I LIKE “blue collar” work. I like operations, and managing my own place. I have a math disability but I make sure to work with people who do know finances and write adequate business plans.

Yet when I talk to a “business” type person (it’s always someone who wants to put their two cents in, not me asking) they always criticize in the dumbest ways.

“How are you going to make money without being there all the time?” I’m not? I want to be there- if I could chose, I like doing what I do everyday.

“What’s your expansion strategy or exit plan?” I understand needing an exit plan, but if the business can maintain for years at the same level that’s all I want. I don’t want to sell my business or expand it necessarily. I want to retire with it.

There are reasons why my business is launching the way it is. I have years of industry experience managing and hiring to run a studio space. But why does that not matter to most people unless I work in tech or something? Sorry for the rant. But I just had to get some of these thoughts out there.

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