
what the actual fuck are you supposed to do if you’re not a personality hire?

I'm at my wit's end here with trying to find steady, reliable income. About 2 years ago, I applied for one out of hundreds of jobs that I am perfectly qualified for, but this was the only one at my dream nonprofit. I was ghosted as a way to tell me I didn't get the job. Today, my partner was highly encouraged to apply despite having absolutely NO fucking experience, training, education or qualifications in this field. It's my field, not theirs. Literally the only difference is our personalities. My partner is a very attractive, outgoing person and I hate, hate hate talking to people. I never make friends or smile. I can sometimes interact when I feel energized and I have my “comfort” people around, but for the most part I am extremely introverted. Because of this, I was snubbed for my dream job and my partner was encouraged…

I'm at my wit's end here with trying to find steady, reliable income. About 2 years ago, I applied for one out of hundreds of jobs that I am perfectly qualified for, but this was the only one at my dream nonprofit. I was ghosted as a way to tell me I didn't get the job. Today, my partner was highly encouraged to apply despite having absolutely NO fucking experience, training, education or qualifications in this field. It's my field, not theirs.
Literally the only difference is our personalities. My partner is a very attractive, outgoing person and I hate, hate hate talking to people. I never make friends or smile. I can sometimes interact when I feel energized and I have my “comfort” people around, but for the most part I am extremely introverted.
Because of this, I was snubbed for my dream job and my partner was encouraged to apply.

I am at a fucking loss. What do I do? I have a handful of degrees and certifications. I have so much job experience I could fucking barf. I've worked everywhere. I can't even do physic jobs anymore because of the serious micro injuries I have sustained. Despite this, I keep getting shitty, low paying, unsafe and abusive jobs that ruin my life. I am now choosing between living on $800/month and going back to work at severely abusive, horrific entry level /customer service jobs.

Do I go back to school to be 200k in debt? Do I try to find non customer facing jobs that don't ruin my body? Do I give up because I'll never be a personality hire and never fucking charm my way into a 60k job I'm not qualified for?????? I guess I'll just go fuck myself!

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