
I have not been paid yet and I don’t know what to do

I work for a large corporate company and get paid every 2 weeks. I have never had an issue getting paid before. My paycheck failed to arrive last Friday when it should have. I get mail previws each morning, and could see it would not arrive over the weekend. On monday, I called my payroll and was told to wait until Wednesday, and if my check had not arrived then, to ask my manager to issue a new one. I contacted my boss Wednesday morning after my mail preview failed to show my check. She said that she would call payroll. Today, Thursday, she told me she is hoping she can get a check expedited to me tomorrow. I have already filed a complaint against my company through the state. What do I do next? I am living paycheck to paycheck and I need that money.

I work for a large corporate company and get paid every 2 weeks. I have never had an issue getting paid before. My paycheck failed to arrive last Friday when it should have. I get mail previws each morning, and could see it would not arrive over the weekend. On monday, I called my payroll and was told to wait until Wednesday, and if my check had not arrived then, to ask my manager to issue a new one. I contacted my boss Wednesday morning after my mail preview failed to show my check. She said that she would call payroll. Today, Thursday, she told me she is hoping she can get a check expedited to me tomorrow. I have already filed a complaint against my company through the state. What do I do next? I am living paycheck to paycheck and I need that money.

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