
How not to start new employees

I literally started this job Wednesday and I’m quitting Friday. I have been out of a job since January first and job hunting is hell. I finally found a job that seemed reasonable (sales manager). I would be in charge of making sales and creating my own sales team. But I’ve never sold this specific product before so of course I’m a bit confused on how to do it. My first day was 3 hours of basic job stuff and paperwork and my second day, I WAS LEFT ALONE. I didn’t know how to run the systems, I didn’t know how to do a transaction or anything. My boss shows up halfway through the day, spends an hour in a meeting and then finally starts training me. We were closing a sale and I made a mistake after she’d paid (not a critical issue. Just didn’t set up the device…

I literally started this job Wednesday and I’m quitting Friday. I have been out of a job since January first and job hunting is hell. I finally found a job that seemed reasonable (sales manager). I would be in charge of making sales and creating my own sales team. But I’ve never sold this specific product before so of course I’m a bit confused on how to do it. My first day was 3 hours of basic job stuff and paperwork and my second day, I WAS LEFT ALONE. I didn’t know how to run the systems, I didn’t know how to do a transaction or anything. My boss shows up halfway through the day, spends an hour in a meeting and then finally starts training me. We were closing a sale and I made a mistake after she’d paid (not a critical issue. Just didn’t set up the device because customer was rushing) and my boss SCREAMS in my face about how I can’t do that. Then after less than an hour of flip flopping from happy go lucky to psycho lady, she just up and leaves. I got a single hour of actual training in an 8 hour day.

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