
Are all education jobs shit?

Was hired on as a behavorial support for classrooms, (make plans, attend meetings. Work on these plans directly with students) took a huge paycut from my usual jobs in behavioral health/inpatient psych. Majority of what I do is just subbing or coverage. Took said job due to personal interest as someone I’m close to works there and it’s been an unsafe place and I wanted to help out. Any actionable response I have to a problem is always met with ‘we don’t have the money for that’, and it’s just bare bones safety measures. Is there anyone working in ED happy? Is everyone just waiting to end up in the news for a tragedy in these instances? It’s exhausting and I think I’m throwing in the towel soon.

Was hired on as a behavorial support for classrooms, (make plans, attend meetings. Work on these plans directly with students) took a huge paycut from my usual jobs in behavioral health/inpatient psych. Majority of what I do is just subbing or coverage. Took said job due to personal interest as someone I’m close to works there and it’s been an unsafe place and I wanted to help out. Any actionable response I have to a problem is always met with ‘we don’t have the money for that’, and it’s just bare bones safety measures.

Is there anyone working in ED happy? Is everyone just waiting to end up in the news for a tragedy in these instances? It’s exhausting and I think I’m throwing in the towel soon.

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