
American work culture is ridiculous.

I want to start off that my grandma passed away recently, so it’s challenged my relationship with many things in my life, especially work. I currently work as a financial analyst in an industry that doesn’t interest me at all. It is soul sucking bureaucratic work that provides no meaning, progress or happiness to my life. I make a good income, though. American work culture is insane. I work long hours, and I am so burnt out. I don’t have time to take care of myself. I can’t imagine ever having children. A lot of the reason why my job is so hard is because of (1) bureaucratic policies, (2) incompetency of team members, which leads me to pick up their slack, (3) overall work culture and poor management,and (4) outdated tools and processes which lead to extreme inefficiencies. I am for socialism but I know it requires workers to…

I want to start off that my grandma passed away recently, so it’s challenged my relationship with many things in my life, especially work.

I currently work as a financial analyst in an industry that doesn’t interest me at all. It is soul sucking bureaucratic work that provides no meaning, progress or happiness to my life. I make a good income, though.

American work culture is insane. I work long hours, and I am so burnt out. I don’t have time to take care of myself. I can’t imagine ever having children. A lot of the reason why my job is so hard is because of (1) bureaucratic policies, (2) incompetency of team members, which leads me to pick up their slack, (3) overall work culture and poor management,and (4) outdated tools and processes which lead to extreme inefficiencies.

I am for socialism but I know it requires workers to still provide value and labor. The current system is so beyond broken…I’m tired of working for people who aren’t intelligent but speak well. America will be doomed if it isn’t already if this continues.

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