
HR overhead my private conversation and reported it to my superiors

I’m a full-time, at-will employee in a 100+ company in Northern California. Long story short, we’re back in the office full-time. A coworker and I were complaining about different aspects of our job, and I said that I was looking for a raise or promotion and was looking around for other positions. I said if nothing changes I might be gone by August. Well, this was overheard by the HR VP who immediately went to tell this to my superiors with relevance to my yearly review this month. A third party overheard and told me. Not gonna lie, I was mad and the anxiety was killing me so I decided to nip it at the bud. I sent a message asking for a quick meeting because I had questions about the review process. I get there and the HR VP has her best hs mean girl face on. I tell…

I’m a full-time, at-will employee in a 100+ company in Northern California. Long story short, we’re back in the office full-time. A coworker and I were complaining about different aspects of our job, and I said that I was looking for a raise or promotion and was looking around for other positions. I said if nothing changes I might be gone by August.

Well, this was overheard by the HR VP who immediately went to tell this to my superiors with relevance to my yearly review this month. A third party overheard and told me. Not gonna lie, I was mad and the anxiety was killing me so I decided to nip it at the bud. I sent a message asking for a quick meeting because I had questions about the review process. I get there and the HR VP has her best hs mean girl face on. I tell her, “I came to learn that my private conversation with a coworker was overheard and reported to my superiors with relevance to my upcoming review, I would like to understand how this impacts my review process” she immediately deflected and asked me “Well, do you even want to be here?”. I hope you’re getting a read of the general attitude.

I said yes, I accepted this employment offer with the intention of thinking long term. But I have goals and constantly look at posting for my target position to look at relevant skills, salaries and certifications. I have not thought of leaving seriously, but there are a few areas I think can improve and I’m looking forward to discussing them at my formal review. She was like, well of course it doesn’t impact your review but are you sure? We can offer you an exit package I said no thanks. The conversation ended along those lines.

I went to talk to my direct manager afterward and I told him the same thing, plus that I’m concerned this will affect how my performance is reviewed objectively and in an effort to avoid any retaliation I went to ask about it to HR. He was surprised, meaning this was discussed only between the VP of my department and the VP of HR. I send a message to HR VP saying, “Thanks for your time, I was nervous when I heard that my private conversation was reported to my superiors, but I left feeling relieved and with the understanding that this shouldn’t affect my review or my position at the company”

I wake up this morning and see a message from the HR VP: “Good morning OP, I want to respond to your note and say that your conversation was in company grounds, in the open, I think we should chat about your expectations for growth”. I said “Great, sent you an invite”

I would like to hear your thoughts about how I should handle this meeting next week.

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