
My boss scheduled me one day this week

So as the title reads my boss scheduled me one day this week. I sent him a text immediately after I found out. I wrote him “hey why was I only schedule one day?” And after a hour he tried to call me. I was at home so I declined the call and shot him a text saying “hey I prefer text over phone calls especially when I'm at home.” He sent a message back saying “I'll talk to you on your next scheduled shift have a nice night.” I didn't message him back because honestly it feels like intimidation and I sent my coworker screenshots and they also agreed. He had also lied to said coworker stating that he called me earlier this week and something just feels off about it. I'm not sure what to do next and honestly I'd just really could use some advice on what…

So as the title reads my boss scheduled me one day this week. I sent him a text immediately after I found out. I wrote him “hey why was I only schedule one day?” And after a hour he tried to call me. I was at home so I declined the call and shot him a text saying “hey I prefer text over phone calls especially when I'm at home.” He sent a message back saying “I'll talk to you on your next scheduled shift have a nice night.” I didn't message him back because honestly it feels like intimidation and I sent my coworker screenshots and they also agreed. He had also lied to said coworker stating that he called me earlier this week and something just feels off about it. I'm not sure what to do next and honestly I'd just really could use some advice on what to do next.

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