
There is a disconnect

I looked down on the city from my apartment's balcony last night. Cars on the bridge. Like a bunch of buzzing bees. I can't see any stars but I can see the flashing lights of planes and helicopters. The air feels extremely dry for this time of year and I'm looking at the reason why: The rapid expansion, the consumption it invites, and the nonstop movement of gas guzzling machines that keep it all afloat. Like heroin travelling through diseased arteries. I also kept getting wafts of greasy cooking smells from restaurants down below. Unnatural elements were effectively pervading all senses. Of all these ubiquitous sights in modern society, none are organic. This entire lifestyle is not even a century old yet. It took over that fast. And it's going to kill us sooner rather than later. We have the data but we just keep trucking because so many of…

I looked down on the city from my apartment's balcony last night. Cars on the bridge. Like a bunch of buzzing bees. I can't see any stars but I can see the flashing lights of planes and helicopters. The air feels extremely dry for this time of year and I'm looking at the reason why: The rapid expansion, the consumption it invites, and the nonstop movement of gas guzzling machines that keep it all afloat. Like heroin travelling through diseased arteries. I also kept getting wafts of greasy cooking smells from restaurants down below. Unnatural elements were effectively pervading all senses.

Of all these ubiquitous sights in modern society, none are organic. This entire lifestyle is not even a century old yet. It took over that fast. And it's going to kill us sooner rather than later. We have the data but we just keep trucking because so many of us are stuck on this hamster wheel with no realistic way out.

I'm on antidepressants but it doesn't sit right with me. In essence, it's hypnosis to make me fall more in step with everyone else. Our current way of life is a death cult just with more steps. We are expected to work to serve this disgusting unnatural beast. Industrial parks. Sweat shops. Factories. Slaughterhouses. All of which contribute to making this planet incompatible with us. How logical. But hey, at least our stocks are looking pretty great! And the pretty people on TV are smiling! So it can't be that bad, right?

Must be getting hard for teachers to basically tell their students “Yeah, you still need to get to work even if you won't be able to retire, because this world still needs to run once I retire in a few years!”

This society is a plaque filled heart destined to give out, but for now, we're all flowing just well enough to maintain a faint pulse. Thanks to the compressions so graciously provided by obsequious servitude.

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