
Walmart legacy continues: gaslighting, lies, abuse.

Just want to start by saying two or three things 1. This is from mobile 2. This happened today 3. Im sorry for the mainly walmart posts So, from my other posts you can see i was sick, turns out it wasn’t sepsis it is/was covid. today my filter kinda broke, i went off on my team lead. It was warranted from my part, i never got physical or personal. Over these last few days i have been sitting on a weird feeling coming from my team lead. Somewhere between manipulation and effortless lying. you see this all initially started during inventory. i was told to go here, go there, often times in rapid succession like BAM BAM one after the other. All the while she just stood there, didn’t do a damn thing but add some body warmth to the metal top stock shelf. well she tells me abruptly…

Just want to start by saying two or three things
1. This is from mobile
2. This happened today
3. Im sorry for the mainly walmart posts

So, from my other posts you can see i was sick, turns out it wasn’t sepsis it is/was covid. today my filter kinda broke, i went off on my team lead. It was warranted from my part, i never got physical or personal.
Over these last few days i have been sitting on a weird feeling coming from my team lead. Somewhere between manipulation and effortless lying. you see this all initially started during inventory. i was told to go here, go there, often times in rapid succession like BAM BAM one after the other. All the while she just stood there, didn’t do a damn thing but add some body warmth to the metal top stock shelf. well she tells me abruptly to go do truck (pulling items from truck onto conveyer belt). Up until this point she hasn’t seen me do anything not related to apparel. So she sends me with a little persnickety in her voice. I bust that shiznit out, absolutely crush the truck, turns out one of my old buds was my helper and it was good to catch up. Anyways i return from truck, sweaty, raggedy and panting. This is the apex, this is ground zero, where it all starts, patient x if you will.
*She says “how was truck”
*i replied “it was good i like truck”
i go down to zone some stuff on the ground.
She then loudly announces “im leaving, im done trying to be nice to people that cant be nice back”
In that sentence it immediately led me on to the type of person she is. The type of mentality she has. The two other co-workers both shared a wth (what the hell) look. We both knew she was being a bit much. So heres my theory on that. She thought of truck as her pulling one over on me, kinda like a punishment of sorts. It wasn’t it was fun, and she was defeated at the fact that i wasn’t defeated.
So today, such a big day. I arrive,on time,clock in, go to my spot,see everyone working, see the cream lead as well. You see the cream lead likes to get her phone, post up in a isle and just lean on a buggy and do nothing. Ive also noticed that when i start to go at my flow and start cranking out things everyone all this sudden is gone. Many times ive seen everyone gather around one top stock cart, chatting away while i work. today was just not my day. Heres the events that happened next. And i would just like to stop and personally thank you of you read this far, ive needed someone to vent to and ive been looking foward to this all day. So thank you
I come to my name thats called,just got through throwing up in the bathroom and crapping all of my liquid out. I walk up to her and say im going either to the ER or home. Very crucial sentence right here, she clicks her little walkie-talkie “OP had just informed me hes LEAVING, i now have no one else for the rest of the day”. I leave and proceed to spend the next few hours asking my girl to kill me from how sick i was. What happened after the little dash is today
-Two women approach the changing room, they are looking for panty hose, which is right in front of the changing room. I step around tell them “that’s all we have right here”. The lady in the its “fall yall shirt” proceeded to ask me “is there any women here that might know more than you”
I reply “ no ma’am its just me here”
All of the sudden cream lead appears and the fall yall lady asks “do you work here and she said yes of course”. I walk away cause that slightly pissed me off. And then it clicks, everything clicks. The walking over me, the rudeness, how everything is trashed and on top of all of that, cream lead has been on a nearly 2 hour lunch break. We meet in the middle and i go off, i tell here im tired of being here alone when yall disappear. How she talks down to me. She ushers me to a front office.
She basically brings up my tone and how ive always treated her like this (BS). It gets to where she says she couldnt find me for 40 minutes that one day i was sick She says that i was not able to be located until she said my name over the intercom. She said i approached her very rudely and demanded im going home. In her own words and i quote (remember what i said above)
“Op just said hes going home i said that over the PHONE and a coach came to her soon after. (In office but still her words)Op said he was going to the er and then left after talking very rude to me. You don’t talk like that to me, you do not walk in here like theres a chip on your shoulder like your superior to me. I talk the way i talk cause im from the north and south thats just how i talk. Theres no need for me to lie about any of this” end quote
After she brought up that i was rude to her I interjected with how sick i was. Tbh i shouldn’t have driven home. Anyways she just states the 40 min thing again. when i bring up her gaslighting me, those words exactly she got super defensive. Ive never had such emotion in My words before. I was wearing two shirts and a vest and you could see my heartbeat throw everything i was shaking, hyperventilating. To see her so blatantly lie about the smallest thing struck something within me. I proceeded to exclaim how wrong she is but to no affect. I realized i would not win so i stopped talking and just sat. The whole ordeal lasted 24 minutes and i fought to my wits end defending myself. Even swearing on my dead dad, i dont do that for funnsies. At the end she said “how about we walk out that door with a new attitude and forget this happned”. I left
-Then i reached in my pocket and ended the recording. Thats right got it all on audio, already made backups so screw me losing that. Everything i said up above is true maybe with a few grammar mistakes. i have the proof but dont know what to do with it. It really does suck that shes sitting on a fat wad of cash and is getting away with lying like that. The whole rest of today was spent fuming and shaking. So once again thank you for reading, be safe, know your rights and your worth, don’t get stepped on. Goodnight.

(Edit): the big thing was her not saying it was medical or health related, just said “op is leaving” that could be interpreted any which way. Then she proceeds to say the radio thing never happened.
Also Texas is a single party consent state so thats not gonna be thrown at me.

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