
I am a manager in a locally owned shop. On Tuesday, I was told I would not receive a promised raise. I sent the GM of my store this email and THEY MADE IT RIGHT!!! I’m SO HAPPY!!!

I am writing you today with regard to my pending raise. After inquiring as to why I had not received my raise yet, I was informed that I would not receive my raise until May, but an explanation or reason was not given, and I'm curious as to why this is? I have listed a few important details about this below: I (like many other employees) was told that at my 90 days, I would receive a review and a raise. I reached my 90 days just before Thanksgiving, and due to the holiday rush, no review and raise was provided. This is completely understandable, but it should have been remedied immediately after the holidays. I am fully aware that I left REDACTED and returned, but I feel that this should have no bearing on the decision to put my raise through, as I left on good terms, was rehired…

I am writing you today with regard to my pending raise. After inquiring as to why I had not received my raise yet, I was informed that I would not receive my raise until May, but an explanation or reason was not given, and I'm curious as to why this is? I have listed a few important details about this below:

  • I (like many other employees) was told that at my 90 days, I would receive a review and a raise. I reached my 90 days just before Thanksgiving, and due to the holiday rush, no review and raise was provided. This is completely understandable, but it should have been remedied immediately after the holidays.
  • I am fully aware that I left REDACTED and returned, but I feel that this should have no bearing on the decision to put my raise through, as I left on good terms, was rehired without incident, and completed my 90 days and then some from my rehire date. Regardless of the fact that I left and came back, I followed all professional protocol and have demonstrated that I am a valuable asset to the REDACTED team, as is reflected in my review. 
  • My spouse, who also works on the REDACTED team has been here less than a year, and has already received two raises; one at his 90 days (as promised), and one with his review completed recently. If that is possible, then why am I being made to wait an additional 5 months for a single raise? I feel that by now, my work ethic and dedication are obvious to management, and that I should have either received a raise for my 90 days, or a raise for my January review. I do not expect both, but feel I am deserving of at least one.
  • I am a very hard worker, and an excellent supervisor. This is reflected in my review as well as acknowledged by REDACTED and my staff. I am regularly seen doing the jobs other people on our team were supposed to do. I regularly have to interact with and diffuse difficult customers, thereby ensuring that we don't lose them as customers, which makes the company more money. I also deal daily with staff that disappear from the floor for extended periods of time or take extended breaks without permission. Many of these employees DID receive a raise with their reviews.
  • Finally and most obviously it just plain seems unfair that I received nearly identical reviews to many others on my team that did receive raises, and yet I am being made to wait for no understandable reason. 

Please forgive me if the tone of this email is a bit rough, that is not my intention. I only ask all of this because it seems very unfair, and is disappointing not just to me, but to my spouse and others I have spoken to about this. Not receiving a promised raise is extremely demoralizing and demotivating for an employee that works as hard as I do, so I would encourage those this decision lies with to please reconsider. It would definitely show good faith and reinforce that your good employee is worth retaining. I am more than happy to discuss this further in person as well if you would like. Either way, I would like to receive an emailed response to either let me know this has been resolved, or to explain why it can't be. 

Thank you very much for your time,


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