
Doctors note for missing a couple days of work is a waste of time and money

Context. Corporate drove away the best boss I've ever had and 3 other team members within two months. They are now trying to micromanage the department I work in from Georgia. I was sick this last week. Probably a cold, nothing too serious but I felt bad enough that I didn't wanna go in and put my few remaining co-workers at risk. I put in sick day requests day by day Monday – Wednesday. They are now requesting I give them a doctors note by my next work day (Sunday). I'm an adult, I know I'm sick, I don't need a doctor to tell me to take a decongestant, drink water, eat and sleep. My question is about labor laws in Colorado. I just wanna make sure I'm interpreting this correctly. (6) Notwithstanding section 8-13.3-405(4)(b), for paid sick leave of four or more consecutive work days, an employer may require…

Corporate drove away the best boss I've ever had and 3 other team members within two months. They are now trying to micromanage the department I work in from Georgia. I was sick this last week. Probably a cold, nothing too serious but I felt bad enough that I didn't wanna go in and put my few remaining co-workers at risk. I put in sick day requests day by day Monday – Wednesday. They are now requesting I give them a doctors note by my next work day (Sunday). I'm an adult, I know I'm sick, I don't need a doctor to tell me to take a decongestant, drink water, eat and sleep.

My question is about labor laws in Colorado. I just wanna make sure I'm interpreting this correctly.

(6) Notwithstanding section 8-13.3-405(4)(b), for paid sick leave of four or more consecutive work days, an employer may require reasonable documentation that the paid sick leave is for a purpose authorized by this part 4.
The quote is from Page 5, near the bottom.

So what I get from that is they cannot force me to provide a doctors note for anything less then 4 days of sick days.

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