I’ve been working with company X since May of 2021. Its a great company and i love it. However i was only getting paid $13/h.
I got a raise in March of 2022 to a whopping $14. I love the job but working M>F 6h/day is starting to catch up and $14 isn’t going to cut it anymore
I spoke with my manager and here’s how it went.
I told him i that starting soon i would need another raise to keep up with cost of living, car, insurance, school, etc.
He then proceeded to say “Well you got a raise last year and you definitely deserved it.”
Fast forward to last month where i am being paid $14 plus a small percentage of commission for what i do. Taking home around $380/week
I am always on time and have not ONCE been late.
This is not enough and I’ve been with this company for plenty of time. We deal with.. pets. Thats all im comfortable saying but i feel immensely disrespected and pushed off. I cant just quit, i have bills to pay. What should i do?
Minimum wage in the state of Georgia is $7.50.