
I’m salaried, but god forbid I show up at 8:03

I started working at a staffing agency about 8 months ago (god help me) and I’m 99.9% sure I have the most micromanagey managers in existence. For my first few months here, I was an hourly employee, so I still had to clock in. My second week at this place, my manager pulled me and another guy in his office and said “I’ve notice you guys have been clocking in at 8:01 or 8:02, just want to be sure you’re coming to work on time.” He then literally pulls up our timecards for that week and read off when we clocked in. Mind you, I had to turn on my laptop and go to a specific website to clock in, which would sometimes take up to 5 minutes if my computer was slow. So I would actually get there between 7:55-7:58, but since that’s not when I clocked in, it…

I started working at a staffing agency about 8 months ago (god help me) and I’m 99.9% sure I have the most micromanagey managers in existence.

For my first few months here, I was an hourly employee, so I still had to clock in. My second week at this place, my manager pulled me and another guy in his office and said “I’ve notice you guys have been clocking in at 8:01 or 8:02, just want to be sure you’re coming to work on time.” He then literally pulls up our timecards for that week and read off when we clocked in. Mind you, I had to turn on my laptop and go to a specific website to clock in, which would sometimes take up to 5 minutes if my computer was slow. So I would actually get there between 7:55-7:58, but since that’s not when I clocked in, it doesn’t matter. I thought it was fucking weird, but it was only my second week so I brushed it off.

Fast forward to Thursday, I made it through disgusting traffic and insanely long traffic lights, and get to work at 8:03. I met with my manager, discussing a possible promotion that I would have to interview for. He said our boss will likely ask me about my “tardiness,” since he apparently told my manager that I came into work late today. ????? Then my manager tells me to work on my attendance because it’s not going to look great for the promotion. Again ?????

In any job I’ve ever worked, I always had a 5 minute window so if I was running TWO MINUTES late, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Unfortunately in my salaried job I get treated like a literal high schooler.

Why the fuck does it matter if I come in 2 minutes after my start time?? No one’s life is hanging in the balance because I didn’t show up to my bullshit office job at 8 on the dot. The idea of having your butt in your chair at a specific time is fucking archaic, especially considering I’m one of the top performers in our office. It almost makes me want to not interview for the promotion and just jump ship. Anyone else deal with this kind of micromanagement?

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