
Ex boss looked at my professional social media profile and I blocked her.

Last year, I accepted what I thought was a great offer. I quickly realized it was a not a position I wanted to be in. I left after 5 months, let me tell you why. My ex boss is a boomer with a literal Karen haircut. We worked in the HR department and she was the compensation manager, I was the only recruiter, and the other team members were supporting other areas. I was recruiting for a company of 1,000 people with 150+ openings. Ex boss would give vague instructions and halfway change her mind and give another vague instructions. I would rephrase what she said and clarify if that’s was what she wanted, she would say yes. I would then do what she said to do, but then she would flip on me and give me feedback that I was doing it wrong. She would then tell me she…

Last year, I accepted what I thought was a great offer. I quickly realized it was a not a position I wanted to be in. I left after 5 months, let me tell you why.

My ex boss is a boomer with a literal Karen haircut. We worked in the HR department and she was the compensation manager, I was the only recruiter, and the other team members were supporting other areas. I was recruiting for a company of 1,000 people with 150+ openings.

Ex boss would give vague instructions and halfway change her mind and give another vague instructions. I would rephrase what she said and clarify if that’s was what she wanted, she would say yes. I would then do what she said to do, but then she would flip on me and give me feedback that I was doing it wrong. She would then tell me she asked me to do something different, and I needed to pay attention. I wasn’t the only one she did that too.

Ex boss would throw people under the boss in order to save her skin. She would go on vacation and not complete her tasks, like present offers. Hiring managers would complain about her not getting the offers done. Ex boss would tell her boss, that my coworkers and I never notified her of the next steps, so she didn’t know. She absolutely did know, she was the last to respond on the emails and say she would work on offers. This situation happened about 30 times, that I knew of.

After my third month, ex boss had outsourced her responsibilities to me and my other coworkers. All she had to do was attend meetings and present offers. She wasn’t presenting offers and probably had 20+ offers sitting on her desk. We kept reminding her everyday to present the offers. She didn’t, we lost most of the candidates and ended with one. This was for 20+ different positions. All that hard work for nothing. A group of managers started to complain about her and she played the victim.

One coworker left, I was happy that they did because they deserve so much better. I was in charge of doing the job fair by myself. Ex needed help with a lot of the setup. Ex boss went to lunch for 1.5 hours, while I was by myself. I was helping all the people that came in with with receptionist. Ex boss never asked if I needed help. I quit at the end of that week.

There was so so much more, but some honorable mentions below.

  1. She made comments about keeping my curly hair straight. I’m latina with naturally curly hair.

  2. She made comments about a black lady’s name being weird, but her last name being “normal.” Example of the name: Beyoncé Jones.

  3. Didn’t want us to use they/them pronouns and said it was ridiculous.

  4. Wanted me to answer her texts 24/7. My job duties said it was Monday through Friday, during normal business hours. I pointed it out to her, she never brought it up again.

  5. When I put in my notice, she would do phone screens with my potential replacements. In those conversation she would talk about my strengths and weakness. She also, started offering people 10-20k more than me, for the same job. They haven’t found anyone, it’s been 6 months.

  6. She called a former employee and yelled at him for having the wrong dates on his professional social media page.

  7. She would tell me to look up current employees social pages, to see if they were leaving so she could report it back to their boss.

The last 3 months, I was there I had stomach cramps and the diarrhea every morning. This is all brought on by the stress of work. There is no reason she should be looking at my page, that’s why I blocked her.

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