
So I’ve been out of work for 3 days now, today being the fourth. I’m out cause I had food poisoning. I kept all my bosses updated even today told them I would be back tomorrow.

Like the title says I kept my bosses updated about how I was feeling all 4 days including today. I told them I’m feeling a bit better and that I should be back to work by tomorrow. Well I just got a text back today from once of them telling me I need to bring a doctors release note. I didn’t got to the doctors at all, I did tell I got an IV. But my wife is a nurse so we had some IV bags here at home so obviously there was no need to go to the doctors. I guess my question is do I still need to get a doctores not or is there a chance of me getting fired? I mean I used personal days I have and been texting them everyday to keep them updated. If it makes a difference I’m also part of a…

Like the title says I kept my bosses updated about how I was feeling all 4 days including today. I told them I’m feeling a bit better and that I should be back to work by tomorrow. Well I just got a text back today from once of them telling me I need to bring a doctors release note. I didn’t got to the doctors at all, I did tell I got an IV. But my wife is a nurse so we had some IV bags here at home so obviously there was no need to go to the doctors. I guess my question is do I still need to get a doctores not or is there a chance of me getting fired? I mean I used personal days I have and been texting them everyday to keep them updated. If it makes a difference I’m also part of a union.

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