
Join may 1st global strike. NO EXCUSES.

Hey everyone! Last year's april I called everyone on a global world strike and everybody said “it's too late”. Then I called the same revolution on summer and most of the you said “it's too soon”. Every single year, every single corporation make their owner meet and redefine numbers. Decide how much their product is worth and how much they plan to afford. It's time for workers all around the world to act like a corp in order to get the same rights. Let's just redefine how much are we worth (more than ever) and what things we are not going to afford any longer. UK striked, France striked, all western wold cultural referents have a reason to strike. Even if the US hasn't been exactly a spearhead for civil rights, I think they are a cultural referent today and they need to step up. Pals here in Europe will…

Hey everyone! Last year's april I called everyone on a global world strike and everybody said “it's too late”. Then I called the same revolution on summer and most of the you said “it's too soon”.

Every single year, every single corporation make their owner meet and redefine numbers. Decide how much their product is worth and how much they plan to afford.

It's time for workers all around the world to act like a corp in order to get the same rights. Let's just redefine how much are we worth (more than ever) and what things we are not going to afford any longer. UK striked, France striked, all western wold cultural referents have a reason to strike. Even if the US hasn't been exactly a spearhead for civil rights, I think they are a cultural referent today and they need to step up. Pals here in Europe will surely support you. And whatever the US does will be followed by all the world, and specially the western. The US is a country purely based on civil rights and free association that many other countries take as an example, so if the US strikes that could be very inspiring and critical for the changes the world needs.

Meet your peers, discuss, look for solutions and strike! Historically, this was the only way we could get rights. And things haven't changed that much, we can still effectively get our rights respected with the same method. Due to automation, communications and wider markets we're able to put out product cheaper than ever. But worker's hours require the exact same effort and are now worth more than ever, due to higher education and productivity.

We're entitled to more money. We're entitled to more free time. We're open to hear about business wanting more productivity, but this comes with a price. The US is today a reference for society and human rights. And I think US workers should step up and all workers in the world step up and support them.

We should go on a strike, globally. We should get the respect we deserve. We should be able to discuss what we need and want, and force corporations into agreement.

If the world collapsed tomorrow, we workers are used to pull out rubble, organize, and grant survability for those close to us. Billionaires aren't used to work and they'll starve the very same moment service won't make breakfast for them anymore. Yeah, a global strike could be catastrophic if corps don't comply with our interest. But in the event of catastrophy, workers are way more ready to react and survive than millionaires. Avoiding catastrophy is much more withing their interest that it is ours. So let them struggle a bit and face all the issues they're causing with their unequal wealth distribution.

What can we all do to help a global strike? What are we going to ask for? It's time to re-start a discussion and maybe make plans. Social movements work: the black people's rights, gay pride, occupy wall street. Excluded people have a potential to make themselves respected and listened. Capitalism breeds corporations that maximize profit unless they meet trouble. It's our responsibility in our capitalist democracies to create such trouble.

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