
My employer fired me without warning after a trip to the ER. Do I have options?

I'm a FTE working remote, and I have had nothing but positive performance reviews so far. It seems from one week to the next, my employer has suddenly decided they do not want me around anymore. Without any warning, I noticed I was locked out of my machine this morning and that I had received a letter of termination to my personal email address. Do I have options here? I don't understand why I am being terminated. Could it be related to the ER visit I made last week that resulted in me losing two days of work unexpectedly?

I'm a FTE working remote, and I have had nothing but positive performance reviews so far. It seems from one week to the next, my employer has suddenly decided they do not want me around anymore. Without any warning, I noticed I was locked out of my machine this morning and that I had received a letter of termination to my personal email address.

Do I have options here? I don't understand why I am being terminated. Could it be related to the ER visit I made last week that resulted in me losing two days of work unexpectedly?

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