
Fired without reason

So I just graduated college (one semester early with two degrees!), and I got my first “real” job. During high school and college I had worked multiple serving jobs. I’d often work doubles, pick up shifts, do extra work, open and close etc. I was literally always either at work or school at any time of the day. Basically I’m trying to say that I’ve always had a good work ethic. Managers and professors tend to like me because I’m so passive and compliant lol. Anyway, I’ve been working at this corporate job for two weeks now, and I was just fired today. My boss had just briefly greeted me and acted normally 20 minutes prior. When asked why I was fired, my boss said, “unfortunately we’re not able to say at this time.” I’m really disheartened by this. Not to say that I was perfect, but I genuinely don’t…

So I just graduated college (one semester early with two degrees!), and I got my first “real” job. During high school and college I had worked multiple serving jobs. I’d often work doubles, pick up shifts, do extra work, open and close etc. I was literally always either at work or school at any time of the day. Basically I’m trying to say that I’ve always had a good work ethic. Managers and professors tend to like me because I’m so passive and compliant lol.

Anyway, I’ve been working at this corporate job for two weeks now, and I was just fired today. My boss had just briefly greeted me and acted normally 20 minutes prior. When asked why I was fired, my boss said, “unfortunately we’re not able to say at this time.” I’m really disheartened by this. Not to say that I was perfect, but I genuinely don’t know what I did that was a fireable offense. I had received no prior warnings—in fact my boss had been complimenting my work at the end of the day earlier that week. The only thing I can think of is that I wasn’t very talkative at the welcome lunch they had the day before. But I would think that firing me for some reason such as me being too shy and having to rehire and retrain a new person would be more expensive for the company than just correcting my behavior. So this makes me think that I did something horribly wrong. Obviously I must’ve done something, but I’m so upset that they couldn’t tell me what it was so I could improve myself for future jobs.

I guess I’m just wanting to commiserate with people after filing for unemployment. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

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