
Written warning for getting COVID

I have had this job for almost 2 months now and have never been late, I have never skipped a day, I average significantly higher that their “good” efficiency percentage standard, and when I got covid I called in sick ahead of time like I was instructed in training. My boss didn't answer so I left a message (they told me this was what to do in training). When I got there the day I was scheduled to work again (part time) they made me sign a written warning and told me I needed a doctor's note or proof of why I wasn't in work (but not a covid test, they don't accept those). They told me that next time I'm sick I need to call my boss, he will give me the number for HR then I need to call them and then they will give me instructions on…

I have had this job for almost 2 months now and have never been late, I have never skipped a day, I average significantly higher that their “good” efficiency percentage standard, and when I got covid I called in sick ahead of time like I was instructed in training. My boss didn't answer so I left a message (they told me this was what to do in training). When I got there the day I was scheduled to work again (part time) they made me sign a written warning and told me I needed a doctor's note or proof of why I wasn't in work (but not a covid test, they don't accept those). They told me that next time I'm sick I need to call my boss, he will give me the number for HR then I need to call them and then they will give me instructions on how to get proof of actually being sick. Didn't bother going to the doctors because I was positive for covid and didn't want to pay the copayment (also I felt too sick to drive there). So now if I miss a day for any reason I will get fired. When they were training me they told me “nobody wants to work” and now I am one strike away from firing because I got sick and missed 1 day.

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