
What would you do if your job was hurting your health? What would be your moves?

Long story short, my employer has a very, very toxic work environment. I’ve been harassed by my coworkers for months. Reason being is because my responsibilities is looking and correcting paperwork that goes to customers and audit, but since people aren’t doing their paperwork correctly they get aggressive with me. My workload has increased 20%. My backup keeps calling out. I’m being rushed to prepare paperwork for shipment, but I’m stuck doing over-corrections. I’m forced to work through my breaks and lunch to catch up on work. Like I mentioned briefly, I have been bullied and harassed at work for months. People have tried to throw me under the bus. Today, I got into an argument with a coworker because they gaslit me about paperwork they didn’t sign. I got sent home early because of my blood-pressure. Recently, my doctor diagnosed me with high blood-pressure, so I have to take…

Long story short, my employer has a very, very toxic work environment. I’ve been harassed by my coworkers for months. Reason being is because my responsibilities is looking and correcting paperwork that goes to customers and audit, but since people aren’t doing their paperwork correctly they get aggressive with me. My workload has increased 20%. My backup keeps calling out. I’m being rushed to prepare paperwork for shipment, but I’m stuck doing over-corrections. I’m forced to work through my breaks and lunch to catch up on work.

Like I mentioned briefly, I have been bullied and harassed at work for months. People have tried to throw me under the bus. Today, I got into an argument with a coworker because they gaslit me about paperwork they didn’t sign. I got sent home early because of my blood-pressure.

Recently, my doctor diagnosed me with high blood-pressure, so I have to take medicine for it. I’m in my 20s with fucking high blood-pressure. I’m not over-weigh or even live a sedentary lifestyle.

I’ve been applying everywhere like crazy for 8 months now. I can’t land anything. I freaking the fuck out. I’m so uncomfortable at work. I’m constantly on edge. Even though I try to be nice to people and communicate effectively, I’m getting shit on. I have spoke to Hr. I have spoken to my manager. I have worked with other managers about these issues. I have reminded people to correct their paperwork. Still nothing. Everyday, my blood pressure gets fucked.

The obvious choice is to suck it up and work until I find something. Idk how much longer I can take it. My health is declining. Are there any other job boards to try? Any agencies? Any tips I don’t know about regarding job searching??? I need help.

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