
I’ll quit my job tomorrow, but in the meantime what’s wrong with Americans thinking their lives revolve around a crappy job??

Holy macaroni!!! What’s up with this corporate America one sided “loyalty” and “team player” mindset? In exchange of a barely above minimum wage paycheck you get micromanaging, expected to be a Jack of all trades underpaid servant. When I interviewed I was misled to believe I’d have a 8-4:30pm schedule working for 1 doctor. I’m a medical assistant and settled for a huge pay cut thinking because it’s a bigger facility they’d be more organized with better infrastructure. They’re one of the most dysfunctional, disorganized and mismanaged places I’ve ever worked for yet they try to brainwash us into this “team player” mindset. Team player? NFL, NBA they make millions, not peanuts. It’s almost like a cult, kind of like the church of Scientology. Stop the nonsense. I’m 45 and a half and proud of younger people who took the blindfolds off their eyes and saw things for what they…

Holy macaroni!!! What’s up with this corporate America one sided “loyalty” and “team player” mindset? In exchange of a barely above minimum wage paycheck you get micromanaging, expected to be a Jack of all trades underpaid servant. When I interviewed I was misled to believe I’d have a 8-4:30pm schedule working for 1 doctor.
I’m a medical assistant and settled for a huge pay cut thinking because it’s a bigger facility they’d be more organized with better infrastructure.
They’re one of the most dysfunctional, disorganized and mismanaged places
I’ve ever worked for yet they try to brainwash us into this “team player” mindset. Team player? NFL, NBA they make millions, not peanuts. It’s almost like a cult, kind of like the church of Scientology. Stop the nonsense.

I’m 45 and a half and proud of younger people who took the blindfolds off their eyes and saw things for what they are. Don’t sell your soul to the corporate satanic cult in exchange for peanuts and the nagging feeling that you’re inadequate and not doing enough.

I came to this country when I was 21 with $300 and a heart full of faith and dreams and somehow I’m still alive living alone and traveling abroad twice a year at least.

Please don’t settle for crap. Don’t lower your standards. Work on yourselves, learn skills, languages, whatever it takes to be more interesting and smarter. Find hobbies and interesting things to occupy your free time. Work for a paycheck not to be a slave. Don’t lower your standards and always give your best but don’t take lack of respect.

I’ll update when I give my notice tomorrow. Ah! And DO NOT answer your phone after you clock out. Work is a transaction, your time and skills in exchange for a paycheck. When your boss/manager calls or texts after or before hours ignore it.

In Europe or South America people are SHOCKED when I tell them this. There are actually laws in Portugal and Germany banning bosses from calling employees after hours.

Love to you young(er) people. Don’t let them shame you guys with “quiet quitting” brainwashing. <3

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