
Do I legally have to tell my current employer where I’m going to when I resign?

Quick question: I have tendered my resignation / 2 weeks notice for my company (corporate world). Their HR is trying to get me to tell them where I'm going, but I don't want to tell them. I have NOT signed a non-compete agreement with this company. Do I have any legal obligation to tell them where I'm going? Without a non-compete, I'm pretty sure I don't have to, but I'd like some advice. Obviously HR is going to run scare tactics and tell me I have to or XYZ will happen, etc…, I just want to be sure I can tell them, “no, I'm not sharing that information” and just walk away. Thanks for input!

Quick question: I have tendered my resignation / 2 weeks notice for my company (corporate world).

Their HR is trying to get me to tell them where I'm going, but I don't want to tell them. I have NOT signed a non-compete agreement with this company.

Do I have any legal obligation to tell them where I'm going? Without a non-compete, I'm pretty sure I don't have to, but I'd like some advice. Obviously HR is going to run scare tactics and tell me I have to or XYZ will happen, etc…, I just want to be sure I can tell them, “no, I'm not sharing that information” and just walk away.

Thanks for input!

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