
It’s time to rise up against these companies.

Making memes about how we’ve won and employers have played themselves doesn’t make it true. Companies are still paying poverty wages, raising prices every quarter, and enjoying record-breaking profits. How much more are you going to take? How many more job interviews are you going to endure listening to some guy tell you that the company comes first, that you don’t deserve a livable wage, that your mental health, your social life, and your physical exercise are unimportant, and that you better work 40+ hour weeks, never get sick (as if you can help it), and love it? Enough is enough. Things will never change if nobody is ever going to take action. We need to protest for better wages.

Making memes about how we’ve won and employers have played themselves doesn’t make it true. Companies are still paying poverty wages, raising prices every quarter, and enjoying record-breaking profits. How much more are you going to take? How many more job interviews are you going to endure listening to some guy tell you that the company comes first, that you don’t deserve a livable wage, that your mental health, your social life, and your physical exercise are unimportant, and that you better work 40+ hour weeks, never get sick (as if you can help it), and love it? Enough is enough. Things will never change if nobody is ever going to take action. We need to protest for better wages.

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