
Canadian public servant need advice!

Without naming the agency I work for I’m a public servant in Canada. My workplace has gone from being adequately staffed to being understaffed. We are constantly asked to do more with less. On the management side, they (management) always ensure that their staffing levels are full, whether it be hiring or asking a boot licker to do an assignment, which lowers staffing more. For example, right now in my office we have 3 “workers” and 6 managers… 2 of those managers are “acting”. I can’t even make this up. The real kicker which a lot of people don’t know is upper management gets hefty bonuses for keeping staffing and OT low (budget). Not sure why public servants get tax payer dollar bonuses but whatever… Anyways looking for advice, felt good to get this off my chest.

Without naming the agency I work for I’m a public servant in Canada. My workplace has gone from being adequately staffed to being understaffed. We are constantly asked to do more with less. On the management side, they (management) always ensure that their staffing levels are full, whether it be hiring or asking a boot licker to do an assignment, which lowers staffing more. For example, right now in my office we have 3 “workers” and 6 managers… 2 of those managers are “acting”. I can’t even make this up. The real kicker which a lot of people don’t know is upper management gets hefty bonuses for keeping staffing and OT low (budget). Not sure why public servants get tax payer dollar bonuses but whatever…

Anyways looking for advice, felt good to get this off my chest.

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