
I’m f***ing scared

My full-time job’s CEO sent out an email telling of mass layoffs, the fact that we didn’t “deserve” raises or bonuses despite my department’s above and beyond performance and that they won’t adapt to accommodate inflation or high living expenses. My rent increased 15% because I couldn’t find an affordable apartment that is also safe/clean within 50 miles. I have two part time jobs that somehow work with my full-time schedule but even with them I’m barely breaking even. I’ve also been job hunting for weeks and getting interviews but they won’t offer more that $15/hour. In a year when my lease expires, I’m not sure what I’ll do. I doubt I could afford another rent increase and with the way things are going with wages and living expenses, it wouldn’t surprise me if I ended up living in my car… (Note: I’ve cut all expenses to the bare minimum…

My full-time job’s CEO sent out an email telling of mass layoffs, the fact that we didn’t “deserve” raises or bonuses despite my department’s above and beyond performance and that they won’t adapt to accommodate inflation or high living expenses.

My rent increased 15% because I couldn’t find an affordable apartment that is also safe/clean within 50 miles.

I have two part time jobs that somehow work with my full-time schedule but even with them I’m barely breaking even. I’ve also been job hunting for weeks and getting interviews but they won’t offer more that $15/hour.

In a year when my lease expires, I’m not sure what I’ll do. I doubt I could afford another rent increase and with the way things are going with wages and living expenses, it wouldn’t surprise me if I ended up living in my car…

(Note: I’ve cut all expenses to the bare minimum and my family lives across the US so I can’t stay with them.)

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