
Reverse uno card power move

My micromanager boss has been giving me a very unbalanced workload and tries to always shift the blame on me. After working for over two years at the job remotely, she threatened me with a PIP last month. I’ve never missed a deadline or submission. And I’ve never had this issue with any other job before. For anyone who doesn’t know, a PIP is basically “quiet firing.” Management doesn’t like you so they want you out the door with documents so they don’t have to pay unemployment. I was already browsing jobs in winter break but I cranked up my efforts. Our dept provides essential admin support services but does not pay competitively with the market in the same field. After a month of intense job apps and interviews, I accepted a new job offer this evening! $25K increase with more freedom and time off before I start to de-stress.…

My micromanager boss has been giving me a very unbalanced workload and tries to always shift the blame on me. After working for over two years at the job remotely, she threatened me with a PIP last month. I’ve never missed a deadline or submission. And I’ve never had this issue with any other job before.

For anyone who doesn’t know, a PIP is basically “quiet firing.” Management doesn’t like you so they want you out the door with documents so they don’t have to pay unemployment.

I was already browsing jobs in winter break but I cranked up my efforts. Our dept provides essential admin support services but does not pay competitively with the market in the same field. After a month of intense job apps and interviews, I accepted a new job offer this evening! $25K increase with more freedom and time off before I start to de-stress.

I emailed my letter of resignation tonight and cc’d HR. My last day is end of this week.

I want to reassure everyone on here things get better! Look out for yourself and help others who are also struggling bc a lot of these managers just want to make life hard for others bc they’re miserable.

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