
fired for stupid reasons

I was just fired from my job a week ago. Over a year of long hours, constantly changing my schedule between 1st 2nd and 3rd shifts to cover people will called in, redesigning the system of manufacturing to make it more streamlined and so many more things. I was even going back to college so I could be a better business manager and HR knew this. I was 2 weeks away from finally closing on my first house and suddenly I was fired. Not only out a job but it about $3000 I can't afford to lose in costs associated with the home purchase. I lost the house too, lender won't give me the loan if I'm unemployed. Why was I fired? I was covering 3rd shift, very tired after working 1st shift the day before, and read a letter wrong in a file name and accidentally printed 55 copies…

I was just fired from my job a week ago. Over a year of long hours, constantly changing my schedule between 1st 2nd and 3rd shifts to cover people will called in, redesigning the system of manufacturing to make it more streamlined and so many more things. I was even going back to college so I could be a better business manager and HR knew this. I was 2 weeks away from finally closing on my first house and suddenly I was fired. Not only out a job but it about $3000 I can't afford to lose in costs associated with the home purchase. I lost the house too, lender won't give me the loan if I'm unemployed.

Why was I fired? I was covering 3rd shift, very tired after working 1st shift the day before, and read a letter wrong in a file name and accidentally printed 55 copies of the wrong file. Such bullshit. I'm so mad and so screwed financially. It's making me physically very ill and really hurting me mentally too.

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