
UPDATE: Company offered me a higher severance than I asked for…my post below in quotes was my original post from yesterday.

Friends- to the surprise of many…including myself…I took a W. I asked for severance of one final paycheck in return for my resignation…and the company offered me $1,100 more than I asked for initially. “Negotiating severance after retaliatory PIP? I’ve only been at the company for 1.5 months. My manager has had it out of me since I began and was consistently sabotaging my work. When I addressed it with her, she put me on a PIP the next morning. Has anyone done this? If so, how much did you get and how did you go about wording your email? Did you have a lawyer?”

Friends- to the surprise of many…including myself…I took a W. I asked for severance of one final paycheck in return for my resignation…and the company offered me $1,100 more than I asked for initially.

“Negotiating severance after retaliatory PIP? I’ve only been at the company for 1.5 months. My manager has had it out of me since I began and was consistently sabotaging my work. When I addressed it with her, she put me on a PIP the next morning.
Has anyone done this? If so, how much did you get and how did you go about wording your email? Did you have a lawyer?”

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