
“I just figured that I do whatever the company wants me to do”

This is what my boss told me today when I explained to her that none of us (myself and most of my team) are doing what we were hired to do. I am in leadership and I oversee about 15 people in a corporate virtual environment. I was hired to lead ONE team of 4 people 6+ years ago and I expected this ONE team to grow. But fast forward to today, I now oversee THREE teams (2 of which I had to create from the ground up and had no prior experience in the work they do) of 15 plus I have 3 more add to staffs coming. My compensation has not changed (other than the most minimal annual MERIT increases), my title has not changed, my job description has not changed, and I am barely told I am doing a “job well done.” The new buzzword in corp…

This is what my boss told me today when I explained to her that none of us (myself and most of my team) are doing what we were hired to do. I am in leadership and I oversee about 15 people in a corporate virtual environment. I was hired to lead ONE team of 4 people 6+ years ago and I expected this ONE team to grow. But fast forward to today, I now oversee THREE teams (2 of which I had to create from the ground up and had no prior experience in the work they do) of 15 plus I have 3 more add to staffs coming. My compensation has not changed (other than the most minimal annual MERIT increases), my title has not changed, my job description has not changed, and I am barely told I am doing a “job well done.” The new buzzword in corp america is “quiet promotion” which basically is what I just described: when a person is dumped with more work, more responsibility, no title change, no job description change and certainly no additional compensation…so essentially you're “promoted” without the title and money. When I brought this to the attention of my boss when I was approached that I would be given yet MORE work to do I said, “I am doing far more than what I was hired to do, than what any of us were hired to do, and that includes you (my boss).” Her response was that she just does whatever the company wants her to do (which I get to an extent, but it seems like to her the company gets carte blanche with very little limitations). In my opinion that is not how this works. Sure, changes and more responsibility comes, but within reason. But THREE teams with almost 18 ppl?? I am stretched way too thin and my stress level has quadrupled. My job description, title, and comp do not reflect the additional work, responsibilities and expectations I have been given. Am I wrong on this??

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