
They’ve hired a new manager; implementing everything I suggested or knew worked…

This might belong in r/offmychest but oh well. I'm early 40's and have been in my career field for 20 years both on the technical and administrative side. Now, I do admit that moving around quite a bit has both helped my experience but hindered my advancement. Just as I was coming of age in my career the great recession set me back a lot. Moved home to Cali from Phoenix, then back to Texas. Anyways, for the past 3 years I have been part of a team that was tasked with rebuilding the automotive service department of a smaller dealership that belongs to a large corporation. Armed with my many years of experience I began to make a name for myself but also highly stressed the need for certain changes to be made. Mind you, there appeared to be a strong tribal mentality among my superiors but I could…

This might belong in r/offmychest but oh well. I'm early 40's and have been in my career field for 20 years both on the technical and administrative side. Now, I do admit that moving around quite a bit has both helped my experience but hindered my advancement. Just as I was coming of age in my career the great recession set me back a lot. Moved home to Cali from Phoenix, then back to Texas. Anyways, for the past 3 years I have been part of a team that was tasked with rebuilding the automotive service department of a smaller dealership that belongs to a large corporation.

Armed with my many years of experience I began to make a name for myself but also highly stressed the need for certain changes to be made. Mind you, there appeared to be a strong tribal mentality among my superiors but I could see that they were just maybe a little over their head. Myself and three other employees worked 11 hours, 6 days a week for months during the pandemic. While I was encouraged that advancement was a possibility, we now 3 years in… have a new Manager. Only now are they implementing ALL of the changes that I had posited, pushed and damn near argued for! Original manager demoted, his manager on pins and needles, and me… sitting in the same damn desk! Almost to the damn T is every known strategy that works being put into process. Exactly 1 year ago I sat in the General Managers office with the two other managers and developed a proposal of changes that were necessary… nothing came of it. Damn near every technician and coworker in that shop believe I had what it took to be in that office. Even the damn service menu's that our Fixed Op director told us to throw out… yeah…. something very similar is being implemented! Here I sit, in the same desk. I have nothing against the new manager. She's very sharp, intelligent and a real go-getter; I would have absolutely no problem working with her under any other circumstance. I knew my strategies worked and now it's absolutely proven! Now especially I see that I have wasted my time and energy here! This area is a small market with less than a hand full of other companies and one doesn't even take applications so much as recruit. Phx is a large market but moving my family out there is damn near impossible….

I feel sooo fuxed….

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