
My job is holding me hostage

For context, I live in the Netherlands. Here, you don't have 2 weeks notice but rather a month notice. And the kicker is that your last month does NOT start the moment you hand in your resignation, but rather the month AFTER you hand it in. I put in my resignation on the 11th of February, but my final month officially starts on March 1st. I work in an outlet for the largest lamp supplier in Europe. But I hate my job there. I don't get the technical aspects, I don't fit in with the coworkers, and the customers are a nightmare sometimes. I'm sick of it, so I went looking for a new one. I found a housekeeping job that pays a little more and has better hours. I have never had a job try to keep me on when wanting to leave, so I was completely caught off-guard…

For context, I live in the Netherlands. Here, you don't have 2 weeks notice but rather a month notice. And the kicker is that your last month does NOT start the moment you hand in your resignation, but rather the month AFTER you hand it in.
I put in my resignation on the 11th of February, but my final month officially starts on March 1st.

I work in an outlet for the largest lamp supplier in Europe. But I hate my job there. I don't get the technical aspects, I don't fit in with the coworkers, and the customers are a nightmare sometimes. I'm sick of it, so I went looking for a new one. I found a housekeeping job that pays a little more and has better hours.

I have never had a job try to keep me on when wanting to leave, so I was completely caught off-guard that they will not let me go until the first of April. The new job isn't able to wait that long for me, so they won't hire me if I have to stay at old job for another month and a half.

Dutch law states that there are two ways to get out of the notice period; either my store manager agrees to let me go early, which he won't or I have to pay THEM a month's salary in compensation, which is money I don't have…

If they won't let me go now, I'll never get out until my contract ends next year because no employer is gonna sit around for over a month to hire a low-ranking worker.

I have never felt this stuck before. I just want out…

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