
Lay offs at work

This is a throwaway account for confidentiality reasons. Need some advice so any comments/ideas are welcome. My position is being eliminated at my job. The role is being eliminated because they are merging 3 separate roles into 1 new role. We were notified of this about 6 months ago. There was no pay increase offered for the new role that has a massive increase in duties. We were also told we cannot apply for internal roles due to a freeze on movement. The layoff date was just sent out. It is 8 weeks from now. The email stated since we had not secured a new role in the company here is the layoff date. I inquired about applying for a new role and was told that I can since my role is being eliminated. This is contrary to what was said 6 months ago when we’re told we cannot since…

This is a throwaway account for confidentiality reasons. Need some advice so any comments/ideas are welcome.

My position is being eliminated at my job. The role is being eliminated because they are merging 3 separate roles into 1 new role. We were notified of this about 6 months ago. There was no pay increase offered for the new role that has a massive increase in duties. We were also told we cannot apply for internal roles due to a freeze on movement. The layoff date was just sent out. It is 8 weeks from now. The email stated since we had not secured a new role in the company here is the layoff date.

I inquired about applying for a new role and was told that I can since my role is being eliminated. This is contrary to what was said 6 months ago when we’re told we cannot since we are on a freeze. Now with 8 weeks left and no comparable positions available, we are being told we can.
New hires for this new role were hired at a higher pay rate than current employees. I declined the new role when offered to express interest 6 months ago, due to the significant increase in job duties without adequate compensation. Therefore, I will be one of the many who are laid off in the coming weeks.
The employer has a severance package policy for lay offs such as this as they happen often. When I inquired about how severance amount was calculated, I was told based on service time with company. When I inquired further about how and what the metrics were I was told: they will not be getting into that and “it is what it is.” Everyone has a different severance package as well. And the email states they request we not discuss our details with other employees.

Thoughts ? Ideas ? Questions ?
(Next steps, negotiating, possible legal actions, etc.)

Thank you in advance.

TLDR; Job eliminated due to 3 roles being combined, no pay increase offered for new role if I expressed interest. Told cannot apply internally due to team freeze. No new role secured due to freeze. Now being laid off with minimal severance, told not to discuss severance.

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