
I have no time outside of work and it’s burning me out

So for context I work in a group home for adults with disabilities. I work 12 hour shifts, usually 6-7 days in a row before I get a day off. I get up really early and then don’t get home until late at night, so that evening time and early in the morning is my only free time. I enjoy having the time I do with my spouse when I’m home and we make the most of it but I’m realizing that I basically live at the home I work at at this point. I love the job concept because I’d much rather work directly with people and help them rather than retail or sales (which I’ve worked both.), plus I relate to my clients a lot more because I am also disabled. My life goal is to become a tattoo artist so I practice my art during my free…

So for context I work in a group home for adults with disabilities.

I work 12 hour shifts, usually 6-7 days in a row before I get a day off. I get up really early and then don’t get home until late at night, so that evening time and early in the morning is my only free time.

I enjoy having the time I do with my spouse when I’m home and we make the most of it but I’m realizing that I basically live at the home I work at at this point. I love the job concept because I’d much rather work directly with people and help them rather than retail or sales (which I’ve worked both.), plus I relate to my clients a lot more because I am also disabled.

My life goal is to become a tattoo artist so I practice my art during my free time at work, though I realize that I won’t ever have time for an apprenticeship with the hours I work. I also want to work more on my music but I don’t have time to join an ensemble. It’s just really taken a toll on my mental health and my brain because although the paycheck is the biggest I’ve ever had because of my hours (though honestly deserve more) and it’s so nice to be more financially stable, it just sucks that I literally do not have any free time outside of work, and I bring my free time to work because by the time I’m home I’m exhausted.

Any tips for handling this mental fog on my brain? I can’t leave this job until I got more money saved and even then it’s hard to leave because no other job gives me this amount a paycheck. I can’t ask for less hours because we are so short staffed that I literally am not able to do so. I hope any of this makes sense, struggling to think right now. Feel free to ask me questions in the comments.

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