
applying fir jobs when disabled

*for hi! i’m a disabled young adult (mid-20s). among autism, chronic pain, and a connective tissue disorder, and a few other comorbidities— i’m also immunocompromised. i worked in person for a bit after covid started, but i also got sick a lot and when i got covid it was really hard on my body and mind and i’m honestly scared to get it again bc who knows what could happen each time i do. i definitely have some longterm effects. and i left my last job in a bakery because my pain got worse and i kept dislocating my joints at work because it was strenuous. i have my bachelor’s degree and a lot of work experience. i’ve been working for about a decade now. i’m trying very hard to find remote work. i’ve been applying to so many jobs. the other day i applied to almost 15 jobs and…


hi! i’m a disabled young adult (mid-20s). among autism, chronic pain, and a connective tissue disorder, and a few other comorbidities— i’m also immunocompromised. i worked in person for a bit after covid started, but i also got sick a lot and when i got covid it was really hard on my body and mind and i’m honestly scared to get it again bc who knows what could happen each time i do. i definitely have some longterm effects. and i left my last job in a bakery because my pain got worse and i kept dislocating my joints at work because it was strenuous.

i have my bachelor’s degree and a lot of work experience. i’ve been working for about a decade now. i’m trying very hard to find remote work. i’ve been applying to so many jobs. the other day i applied to almost 15 jobs and spent all day applying and perfecting my resumé. just entering and reentering my info and experience over and over.

so few ever reach out, most say they don’t want to move further with my app and ignore me when i ask why so i can learn from mistakes/ etc. only a couple in the last few months have even reached out to interview. one said they’d let me know either way in a week and they never called so i called a few times to ask, they always say they’ll call back and never do. it’s been three weeks.

i’m just very desperate and feeling very low. i’ve always done well at the jobs i’ve had, i’ve never been fired or let go. when i work i want to do well so it isn’t harder for everyone else working. i even have management experience. i’m having a really hard time not just beating myself up about it all. i want to be able to have some kind of independence because i rely on people so much because i’m sick already. i need to be paid more than minimum wage so i can save to be on my own one day and access needs. i just feel really bad about myself. i’ve been trying to sell some of my art to help have something but it isn’t going well, which hasn’t helped my confidence either. i know i shouldn’t feel bad, and i don’t feel that way about my friends struggling but i guess some words of encouragement could help? i just feel alone and like i’m failing i guess and i’m trying to not feel that way because i know how silly expectations surrounding work are and how broken everything is and that i’m trying very hard.

i’m about to start a case to get help through an organization that helps disabled people find work that meets their needs and i’m scared honestly— i know i should be hopeful because of the opportunity and help, but i’m also scared they won’t be able to help either.

tldr; i’m disabled and discouraged trying to find an accommodative job that pays more than minimum wage.

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