
Paycheck didn’t include PTO…again

I was sick last month and took a day of PTO, but when I got my paystub I noticed it was missing the pay for those hours. I notified my boss and they said they were sorry, and would add it to the next paycheck. It hasn’t happened before, so I didn’t push it and I decided to just wait. Well, the next pay period just happened and, surprise surprise, it wasn’t on there. Again. I brought it up immediately, and they said they would escalate it to HR. It’s not much, but they are now over a month late on paying me for that day. If I was in a paycheck to paycheck situation, this wouldn’t be acceptable. Is there any kind of penalty fee for this? I know there’s late fees on last paychecks, but this isn’t my last one, it’s just an incomplete one. I am in…

I was sick last month and took a day of PTO, but when I got my paystub I noticed it was missing the pay for those hours. I notified my boss and they said they were sorry, and would add it to the next paycheck. It hasn’t happened before, so I didn’t push it and I decided to just wait. Well, the next pay period just happened and, surprise surprise, it wasn’t on there. Again. I brought it up immediately, and they said they would escalate it to HR. It’s not much, but they are now over a month late on paying me for that day. If I was in a paycheck to paycheck situation, this wouldn’t be acceptable. Is there any kind of penalty fee for this? I know there’s late fees on last paychecks, but this isn’t my last one, it’s just an incomplete one. I am in CA.

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